I’ve seen a good number of members share their adventures with their kids recently, and it makes me think about how different their experiences must be to ours. Kids tend to see the world differently than us adults because they have experienced less and still have a lot to learn – they have innocent minds and wild imaginations!
When you go for a walk with young children, you often see them in a world of their own – singing to themselves, jumping over cracks in the pavement, walking on the wall, skipping, swinging around posts…you get it! They haven’t a worry in the world and they make a simple path as fun as possible. We take children on adventures because we’re the adult, but what would happen if you let your child lead the way? You might just see the world a bit differently (you also might end up skipping in public..).
Dressed for a worry-free adventure!
Our member, Tea Kay, took her grandchildren for a day out on an adventure walk;
“We found critters, visited fairies, climbed, ran, hung upside down, played in the sand pit and walked a long long way.”
The little girls looked so happy, walking along tree trunks and posing with fairies! What stood out for me was their outfits – one of the girls was clad in a fluffy pink jumper, a pretty white dress, trainers with glittery straps, and some big pink heart shaped sunglasses! If only everyone dressed like this when on their adventures! With their colourful jumpers and pretty dresses, these girls were fun and fearless in the pursuit of adventure.
This week we also saw Joanne Carr taking her kids kayaking and they decided to jump in the river afterwards, despite having no towels to dry off with. Of course they didn’t care – they just ran around playing until they dried off!
Having no swimwear or towel is the perfect excuse for an adult to say ‘No’ when someone dares them to jump in the water, but what’s the worst that will happen? Jump in! It’s a small thrill having that sense of letting go, and the other grown-ups will think you’re really cool…honest!
No towel, no worries!
Another member and his dad did in fact decide to act like big kids themselves – while taking a walk through the beautiful New Forest together, James Harper and his dad both decided to take a jump on a rope swing over the stream. Both fully grown adults, having a child-like carefree time.
You don’t have to wait for the kids to be around to act like one – most adults are just big kids acting sensible! When you really let go of your worries, you can let loose and have fun just like James and his dad.
Let go of being a grown-up!
Commit to a better commute
Another trend I spotted this week was people making the most of their commute to work, which is fantastic – many people don’t enjoy their commute, and many more don’t even enjoy their jobs! So why not make the most of that time before you get there, and enjoy the journey.
A good morning can set you up for a better day. When I worked in offices, my morning routine was always the bare necessities – alarm clock, shower, food, outfit, drive to work. It felt monotonous and was never a fun start, it was a chore before the daily grind. But what if you change your morning to include something you enjoy, something you do which makes you feel refreshed or energised before the working day begins?
Despite feeling tired from his working week, Andrew Postans decided to take a five mile walk before work one day last week, and it made all the difference to his day;
A better view for the morning coffee
This view is something I would normally enjoy on a day off! Sitting by the river with a coffee looks much more appealing than sat on my living room sofa dreading the commute! Your view and commute before work does tend to set you up for the day, so if you can change your environment or routine, you will change the way you feel when you start work. Even if it just means having breakfast in the garden instead.
A few of you have also been getting the bikes out before your working day – Nick Withers said he felt great for finally ditching the work van to commute by bike instead, and Scott Wallis enjoyed a bike ride around a reservoir before work, plus he also met up with a fellow YesTriber for a river walk!
Taking a bike ride or walk before work – or TO work – will make a whole lot of difference to the way you feel before you start your working day. It gives you energy, a sense of freedom, the exercise improves your mood, and that fresh air will fill your soul with the good stuff!
If you need a little boost before work, say yes to something different in your morning routine!
Start the day refreshed