For those who weren’t present at Team Summit #1 or for those who were (who weren’t listening!) our Rosie took notes and compiled this summary.
Quick notes: DC = Dave Cornthwaite, EC = Em Cornthwaite, RT = Rosie Tugwell, AB = Andy Bartlett
Social Media – Jen Parker
Jen called in from Japan to chat about how we as a team can make life easier for those posting on social media.
Share event images on Events tab at top of SYM Team 2020 Facebook Group, with description, numbers attended and any other anecdotes to help Jen create Instagram posts about your event.
Types of Pictures
Make them scenic
With people, animals, smiles and other activities and behind the scenes.
Where possible get the SYM merch on show!
Blurb of what the photos about
Who, what, when, where and when!
Your Instagram Handles (and those of anyone present)
The more the merrier!
Then you can be tagged and it can be shared on your own page.
Tribe Leading – Group moderation – DC
Everything you do think about what people are going to ask you and make that information available as it makes your life easier as it saves you times from frequently asked questions.
Team Management – can be found at YesTribe Leader Training this covers:
Thinking about getting involved?
Setting up a Regional YesTribe
Leading a Tribe
Moderating a YesTibe Group
YesTribe Style Sheet & Design
Ideal tribe leader numbers would be between 3-4 more as this reduces individual stress and it allows people to take a break and explore their own adventures in the short term
The initial set up can be done by either DC, EC or RT but the day to day running will be done by tribe leaders, there are expectations to follow in terms of presentation and culture we want to encourage so please read the information first. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help
What to allow and disallow on the page/group:
Become familiar with the groups rules which all members can read when joining
Ensure members adhere to the group’s rules
There is a grey area for some posts about self-promotion, this is fine posts just no self-promotion, for example asking for donations or votes for competitions,
Understand that the essence of the wall is a discussion group
Key things to look for in a “real person”:
Profile pictures of people or photos rather than character image or no image at all
Real names
Their “how they heard about the YesTribe” section
When they joined Facebook – be suspicious of those who joined the same day or within the last few days
The number of groups they are members of – often people are part of similar groups and aren’t members of hundreds of different groups
Allowing posts on the group:
If you decline a post then the writer receives a notification
Click the drop-down next decline “decline post with feedback”
Add whatever fits best out of the options and always add a little comment
Click box bottom left and click remove
Keep the high ground and stay positive when giving feedback
If you approve a post and there is a quick answer to a question e.g. “if there a regional group in …” it is your responsibility to answer.
Posting about things that aren’t to do with outside and adventure for example places to eat and gigs to attend
DC: Yes, on regional groups it’s promoting people to get together to are like minded. But not on the main YesTribe page.
Paying for events to cover costs?
DC: As regional tribe leaders it's at your discretion but its not for financial gain for you or anyone else, the money should be to cover expenses but reminder about being liable, when running events, check with who is running the even that they are covered for all eventualities.
If there is a sour post on the tribe what do we do?
Let it run for a few hours as you don’t want to exacerbate things, don’t be sour or sarcastic or get involved. You want to be the voice of reason
There is an option to freeze comments but this is a discussion wall
Can we ask questions and for help on the 2020 team page?
Yes of course, that’s exactly what it's for, post pictures and ask questions.
Share ideas and offer help!
Dealing with Biteback - negativity on the group:
FIRST, ASSUME POSITIVE INTENT - Everyone reads and writes differently
Events Discussion / Panel – EC & AB
Sharing what works, what doesn’t work, what went well, what have you learnt that you think is vital to pass on:
It's OK to go to the pub as a venue!
Approach local companies for support, for spaces for Yes Stories or to use equipment. However try to stay away from paying for things
Working in a group to be able to bounce ideas around helps, it also makes plans solid
Just do, start small and if there’s only the organisers there it’s a start and you have posted your first event.
From the first event it gets the ball rolling and you can set the next event. JUST DO IT
Planning your next event during the first event helps as you can bounce ideas around and often leads to more help from those who attended the event
Mixture of long-term plans and then a few spontaneous things really helps and gets the ball rolling
Pick something easy and low maintenance to start. Not to worry about money, venue and space. Choose one of the “Event Types (” that are already established.
When picking a location think about toilets, coffee shops nearby, easy places to meet and give directions
Make sure you take the effort to ask if its peoples first time, if it's not welcome them back if its their first time ask what they want from events and why they joined the group as it can spark ideas for other types of events
Don’t be afraid to ask for help with any of it, the admin, the set-up, the running
Ask for help with kit to borrow on the event page as someone may want to come but don't have any kit and are too embarrassed to ask.
Try to keep all communication on Facebook and in the event so all can see as it allows most conversation
Understand your audience and what you want to achieve with relation to the event you are running – LCOA for small groups work well just after a YesStories
On the day or the night before make it personal, can you message people and ask them if they are definitely coming, do they have any questions. This encourages them to attend as it becomes a real-life thing!
Commenting in the event page itself things like “does anyone need a lift” “any dietary requirements” things to keep the notifications rolling so people don’t forget
Using things like “reserve a space” or “Spaces are running out” to encourage people to book on and commit
Not releasing location or keeping some information
How much do you see of other group events? Share your event on neighbouring tribes and the main event as people might want to travel or might not be on the Regional tribe but will be on the main page.
When wild camping asks for forgiveness rather than permission!
If you haven’t run an event what are you nervous about?
How do people stay reminded about events etc “facebookology” What happens when an event is posted?
Q: I am worried about how my messages and comments come across as I don’t want to sound angry or demanding. Is there a guide on how to word things on Social Media so it comes across as positive and happy!
A: First, Read it as if you were someone else - do you sound angry or demanding? If so, either make amendments or share with the team so we can help you adjust the tone.
Q: I am worried about the sort of people who turn up, what if they’re not yes people and is there a backup if something goes wrong. What if they are overly negative at the event?
A: manage expectation in the event with a brief description about the event and YesTribe, have a formal start if possible, hey guys this is why we are here quick intro of everyone, encourage people to get the most out of it.
Q: Problem of being so far apart from leaders to then put heads together and plan
A: hopefully as the group grows, leaders won’t be the only one there, plan events that are easy for the person who is going to run and attend. Use a variety of things to communicate “Flack” “Voom” “WhatApp group chat”
Q: Other people who aren’t leaders who want to arrange things, is it ok for someone to ask to go for a bike ride and things like that.
A: Yes, we want this to happen more, encourage it but try to keep note of what’s going on so we can keep totals. Contact them “thanks for doing this, this is great” “is there anything I can help with”. Best thing to do comment and approach them – As tribe leaders you are here to moderate so if it doesn’t seem right you have the authority to remove the post, contact the publisher and if you have questions ask the SayYesMore Team or Admins.
Hosting Groups
Prior to the event:
Give as much information about the event on the event page
Offer help and any available equipment on the event page
Before the even send a personal message to check they are still planning on attending and asking if they need anything
Have a disclaimer: If you can’t afford this let us know
Have a meeting point
Let people know general set up and schedule
The day of the event
Wear SayYesMore gear
Greeting people - stand by the door (in yes hoodie)
Or, if in external venue, especially somewhere out of sight of the front door, make sure staff know who we are and where we’re sitting
Intro. Simple entry and open to everyone being involved. Permission. To sat
Look out for new members
Something easy (can leave before the official end)
Look out for everyone
Ensure nobody is left alone
Pre-planned topics, if relevant!
Take responsibility to say hi to people, and touch base afterwards
Not feasible to talk to everyone
Meaningful conversations vs menial
Introduce to each other
A vulnerable host will
Avoid cliques
No ego. Equal value
Sense of connection
Plant a question - go ask this person this
Set the tone.
Generosity. Help.
Offer a role, ask for a favour, they’ll
Odd numbers are a great way to group. Groups of three
Listen. Openness to listen
Calls to action
Saying hi
Approaching others
Facilitating meaningful
Different venue
Wear sym stuff
Put yourself in position of the newbie
How to run YesStories
Read the Canva guide and see guide film on SYM Facebook Team Films
Money / Finances
Converting from a ltd. company to a community interest company – this links to the values of the tribe. We have and always will be a non-profit organisation
Dave is the company director
Andy is in charge of the bank account, the monthly in and out
Ian does the yearly tax return
Yestival is the main source of income, but tickets pay for overhead.
2 other big sources – crowdfunding for the YesBus and the Facebook grant, both used for set purposes.
YesStories allows of us to tick over financially
Where does the money go?
Websites and emails handles
Running the Bus for tribe days
Toilet hire
Locational rent
Staff getting financial reward: No one receives money for their work as it is all voluntary, however hosting at the YesBus can generate income from a business which the host will receive funding for their time.
We can offer money for expenses for example things like travel costs as we don’t want anyone to be out of pocket for hosting and being part of the team
All the money is communal income rather than keeping the income of regional tribes separate.
Crew get 25% off merchandise (code: CREW25) Adverts will be created to buy merch but if people ask direct them to website.
We are looking for a more sustainable type of merch is the product and the delivery
How can we/are we allowed us to raise money? – becoming a CIC will make it easier as any profit made though the fundraiser the money will go back into directly supporting the YesTribe. Any money raised is invested back into the community. You can do anything to raise money! Runs, quizzes etc
Why not a charity? – it’s harder to set up and run/organise with a board of trustees etc. Also, we do not run as a charity.
Do you need anything from us as tribe leaders? – Only if your tribe is getting an income then it needs to go through DC and AB. Similarly, if you need to hire or need financial support for an event speak with DC or AB.
Wake up wild / Wild camping
When wild camping, we encourage tarps and bivvy bags as it’s easier to conceal in the wild. If you can get away with, if you have permission of the land owners or it’s a small tent, ensure they’re discrete and only use them if necessary.
Finding a location:
Make sure it has public access, you don’t want to be walking on private land
Nice starting locations of land could be those owned by the national trust, forestry commission or the wildlife trust
Think about nice locations for sunsets and sunrises, hill, forests and coastline
Easily accessible for the start. Meet at a carpark, close by to public transport links
Knowing the area
Local knowledge helps when finding a nice safe and discrete location
If you don’t know the area make sure you visit first as it’s not always clear on the map.
Have a secondary location for back up if you’re caught and asked to move on, or the location is unsuitable
Facebook event
The FB event brand is Wake Up Wild
Create it in your regional tribe
Then post in the WUW page or speak with Andy Lean who can post it on WUW
The lead up and the day of the event
Ask if anyone needs anything before the event. If you have equipment available offer it out.
Mention in the event description the type of locations such as, is it suitable for hammocks
Make everyone feel welcome offer help to the newbies
Use the YesWoods to practice yourself or to host your first event to help build confidence
So far there has been no need to limit numbers but think about how many the space can hold and how discrete you will be in big groups
Only post the location of the meeting point – do not post the location you are staying on facebook, if individuals ask for the location because they are running late that’s fine
No fires is possible because of the scorching of the ground if you need to make a fire dig out turf and then replace
Dogs can come – It might be worth mentioning on the event that there is a dog coming to the event so others are aware
Toilets: have a look at “How to shit in the woods” you can dig a hole around 6 inches deep or use poo bags and store that in another bag and pin in dog poo bins.
Wrap up / Trello
Trello - Looking to set up a way to organise and list tasks and gather and thoughts in a organised way.
Ask DC for an invite if you’d like to join the SYM team
Daily to do list, long term list, ideas, to read and watch.
SayYesMore Team board
Each tribe will have their own board with Tribe Leaders invited onto boards and assigned tasks